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Credit card field formatting....

An annoying "feature" of the latest mSecure is it's formatting of the credit card field, in edit mode, into four number groupings.  While I'm sure this makes it easy on the eyes to read back the number, it copies to the clipboard in this format, which is not compatible with most payment processing web pages, forcing the user to remove the spaces from the string before being able to submit the payment.

While I understand that while NOT in edit mode, you can simply click the "copy to clipboard" button and it will copy the string with no spaces inserted, 9 times out of 10, you need to go into the edit mode anyway to gather other mSecure hidden information (such as CVV or other info) that will be needed for input on a payment web site.  This is bad workflow design on mSecure's part.  How about simply adding another "copy to clipboard" button inside the edit window to avoid all this?

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. If using the copy/clipboard icon next to the field, mSecure 5 on Mac will copy the credit card number without any spaces. If you are copying the number when in the record edit mode, please don't. You do not have to go into edit mode for anything other than editing the record. Each sensitive field has a copy and view icon next to the field when you mouse over the field and we also offer you the ability to show/hide all sensitive information easily:

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