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I have not received QR CODE TO LOGIN

I have not received QR to login Msecure in my iphone. Please help me. I need some data from Msecure urgently.

3 personnes ont le même problème

Hi Pradip,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. The way our security system works, you should have received the authentication email after you first signed in to your mSecure account the very first time in mSecure 5 on Aug 19th 2017. We have found that for some customers the email gets placed in either a spam/junk folder or some other folder in their email app do to rules set up to automatically route incoming emails. Make sure to run a search in your email app to see if you can find an email from: "[email protected]". Be sure to run a search specifically from inside your spam folder as some apps omit this folder when searching for emails.

 Unfortunately, if you are unable to find your mSecure Authentication email, there is no way for mSeven Software to resend it to you. In order to maintain the security of your account, we do not have the information needed to retrieve your account key. The only way to resend the Authentication email is for the owner of the account to resend it from the Account Settings from within the mSecure app.

 You can go here to learn how to resend the authentication email on all devices if you still have access to your mSecure account in mSecure 5 on a device:

If you have lost access to your Authentication email or access to your mSecure account on a device, you will need to go through an account reset to reset your account:

Cambié mi teléfono celular y no tengo ni recuerdo el código QR que me enviaron cuando me suscribí hace muchos año a Msecure. Necesito ayuda para poder transferir TODAS mis contraseñas.

Gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros y lamento el problema que está experimentando. Sin el código QR, no hay forma de acceder a los datos almacenados en su cuenta. A menos que todavía tenga acceso a su antiguo teléfono móvil y pueda abrir mSecure y ver su información en ese dispositivo, para poder recuperar su información, necesitará tener una copia de seguridad de sus datos y también conocer la contraseña que se utilizó para mSecure cuando se creó la copia de seguridad.

¿Por casualidad tienes acceso a tu antiguo teléfono? Si no es así, ¿tiene una copia de seguridad de sus datos de mSecure?


Thank you for contacting us, and I am sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Without the QR code, there is no way to get access to the data stored in your account. Unless you still have access to your old cell phone, and you are able to open mSecure and see your information on that device, in order to retrieve your information, you will need to have a backup of your data and also know the password that was used for mSecure when the backup was created.

Do you have access to your old phone by chance? If not, do you have a backup of your mSecure data?

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