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Migrate data from iPhone to Android?

I was on version 4.5.3 and managed to migrate all my data to the new version 5 in my iPhone.  Now how do I transfer these data into my Android phone?

Never mind.  I managed to do it already by emailing to myself and manually placing the file in mSecure.

Hi May,

I'm glad you were able to work though your issue here. Just a note here though, you cannot restore from a backup file by "placing the file in mSecure." That is not how our restore process works.

To restore from a backup file in mSecure 5 for iOS:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iOS device, and find the email with your backup file attached
  2. Tap on the attachment, then tap “Copy to mSecure”
  3. After mSecure is opened, use TouchID or enter your password to unlock the app
  4. Tap the red “Restore” button when prompted
  5. Enter backup’s password and tap Restore

To restore from a backup file in mSecure 5 for Android, make sure to download the backup file on your device and follow these steps:

  1. Open and login to mSecure
  2. Tap the menu icon
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Tap Restore
  5. Navigate to the location of your backup file and restore

Restoring from a backup file will override any information in your mSecure account, and sync the changes to all signed in devices if you have the mSecure Cloud or another cloud sync option enabled.

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