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On Mac, where on my hard drive is the data file stored for mSecure 5.5?

I am evaluating mSecure 5.5 for purchase. (Happy customer of mSecure 3.5)

On Mac, where on my hard drive is the data file stored for mSecure 5.5?

During set up, I carefully selected Wi-Fi as my syncing method. I made every effort not to use the cloud for storage.

I have searched my computer, I cannot find the mSecure 5.5 data file.  This was easy to locate and change with mSecure 3.5.


Hi Dan, 

Thank you for contacting us. mSecure 5, like mSecure 3.5.7, stores the database in your Library folder in its own container folder. Here's how to find it:

  1. Quit mSecure on your Mac
  2. Open a Finder window and using the menus at the top, select the ‘Go’ -> ‘Go to Folder…’
  3. Enter
    ~/Library/Containers/com.mseven.msecuremac/Data/Library/Application Support/mSecure
  4. Click ‘Go’

Unlike mSecure 3, mSecure 5's database cannot be moved to another location though. 

>>  mSecure 5, like mSecure 3.5.7, stores the database in your Library folder in its own container folder.  <<

>>  Unlike mSecure 3, mSecure 5's database cannot be moved to another location though.  <<

This is starting to make sense to me. 

Years ago, I moved the mSecure  database to an easy to find folder so I could easily copy it from my Mac Pro to my MacBook Pro.  Given how "deep" the databases is stored may I assume that the best way to do this with 5.5 is to use the Export function of 5.5 to store the database on a USB stick, then import that into mSecure 5.5 on my MacBook Pro?

 I couldn't figure out how to edit my above post.  I wanted to add additional comments.

I now think that Export is NOT a good way to copy the database to another Mac computer.   It appears that Export ONLY saves an un-encrypted CSV file !!  VERY surprised it does not export an encrypted msim file!!

Don't you think it would be much better if an Export option would create an encrypted msim file, and mSecure 5.5 could Import that file and place it where it needs to go.  

Hi Dan,

That is what our Backup feature is for. Please use the Backup and Restore functions instead of the import/export functions. Import/export is to move your information away from mSecure or move from other password managers to mSecure.

To Backup:

1. Open and unlock mSecure

2. Click File

3. Click Backup

To Restore:

1. Open and unlock mSecure

2. Click File

3. Click Restore

That being said, I would recommend using one of our sync feature here instead. You can learn about our syncing features here:

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