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Migrate from 1password

How can i migrate my data to 1password to msecure?


Thank you for contacting us and making the move mSecure! At the moment, you'll need to have your 1Password information in a CSV file. After your information is in a CSV format, you'll need to format that file properly and set up mSecure before importing the CSV file. Here's a guide that can show you how:

Please note that the CSV file import can only be done in mSecure 5 on Mac or Windows. 

To do a CSV file import on Mac:

1. Open and unlock mSecure 5

2. Click File

3. Click Import

4. Select CSV

To do a CSV File import on Windows:

1. Open and unlock mSecure 5

2. Click Settings

3. Click Backups

4. Select the CSV import option

Thankfully, we are working on a 1Password importer so that in the future customers can import directly from 1Password backup files. Unfortunately, this importer will not be ready for at least a few weeks :-/

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