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Can't install mSecure on Windows 10 PC, from the Microsoft Store

 We have run the Microsoft Store trouble shooter, updated Windows 10 with the latest release, and tried downloading as Administrator rather than User. Nothing works. We just get an error message.

6 personnes ont le même problème

Hi Jean,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. Can you let me know more about your issue here? Is the app stuck downloading or installing on the Microsoft Store app? Beyond making sure your computer is up to date on Windows updates and using our troubleshooting guide, there's not much else we can do with Microsoft issues. If this is a Microsoft Store app issue, I would suggest contacting them to see what they can do about issues with their store.

Windows 10 LTSB version does not allow app installation from the Store. May I have an installaton package directly from m7?

I preordered mSecure 5 well before its release more than a year ago. I may send details directly if you wish.

Hi Laszlo,

mSecure 5 for Windows is only available through the Microsoft Store. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you here.

I´m having the same issue. I click the "get the app" icon in Microsoft Store and it blinks and then nothing happens. 

Hi Sara,

Please go through the first 3 steps of our article on fixing Microsoft Store app issues to see if that fixes your issues here. I would also recommend making sure you are up to date on all Windows updates on your computer: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000064344-microsoft-store-app-issues


same issue here. Will be desiderable a desktop setup for msecure for bypass any problem (and there are a lot of problem) with windows store.

p.s: The link not work

Being an old customer not giving up at the time of unicode change and preordering mSecure5 with confidence may I expect a reply from m7 to the LTSB and other Store installation failures? Thanks

Hi László,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure I understand your question here. mSecure 5's minimum system requirements are iOS 9.3+; Watch OS 2.2+; Android 4.3+; Mac 10.10+; Windows 10 (UWP). mSecure 5 for Windows is a UWP app available from the Microsoft Store.

Same problem here. mSecure it would be do much better if you had a link to directly download your software. The MS Store is a joke. All I get is “oops the problem is on our end” and I can never download a windows version. I have tried every method provided and still nothing works. Last resort is to reinstall windows 10 and start over.


1.       Go on a machine that the MS Store works and add the product (Apps and games that must be purchased in the store will not work) to that machine.

2.       Then go into the MS Store to My Library – All installed.  On the app you want, left click next to the launch button and select Share.  The Share window should open, select copy link.

3.       Go to this web site: https://store.rg-adguard.net/  and paste this link in https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH62PC8  which is the product ID for MSecure 5.  You can do the same for any application that is not purchased directly in the store.

4.       On the target machine you need to enable sideloading  per these instructions https://www.howtogeek.com/285410/how-to-install-.appx-or-.appxbundle-software-on-windows-10/

5.       You now need to download the packages required (see below for MSecure 5) and copy them to a folder on the machine where the store does not work. Just double click the appxbundle and the application will install.



6.       MSecure 5 will now launch on the target machine.

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