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Soporte mSecure


Can anyone help me plase

I have msecure on an old phone and is working...I have a new phone which I have downloaded and installed and can access my account but its been saying synching all day.I have both devices open. I've tried to open msecure on the mac but it keeps trying to sell me another plan as oppose to going to my account.

I'm really confused.

There is no support at all - I have raised tickets and thy just dissapear after a day with no communication.

Is this company a scam?

Hi Jane,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you're dealing with. While we do everything we can to answer new tickets within 24 hrs, there are times when that isn't possible due to ticket volume or illnesses. In this case, I can see the emails you sent, and the problem is that when you respond to the same tickets before we've had a chance to answer them, they get dropped down to the bottom of the queue. When they go to the bottom, it then makes the time it takes to get an answer take even longer.

On your old phone, do you know what version of mSecure you are running? When you go to tap on the app to open it, does it have a very dark blue app icon, or is it a medium blue color? On your new phone, you should be seeing the dark blue app icon, so does the icon on your old phone look exactly the same?

If the icon on your old phone is dark blue, just like the app icon on your new phone, please open the app really quick. After opening it, tap the menu button in the top left corner. In the menu, tap Settings, then tap "Account Settings" in the Settings screen. What email address do you see for the Username on your account?

Thank you The problem is the inaccessibility of support. If I am able to download all my data and import it into an easier app, I would. It’s very frustrating. Both apps are the same dark blue colour. The email address is [email protected] I now have mSecure on the new phone but no records are visible and all it is doing is synching? I am grateful of any help Regards Jane

Hi Jane,

I'm not sure what you want to do here. As I mentioned, there are times when support will not be able to respond within 24hrs as is our policy, and when you respond to us before we are able to respond, your ticket goes to the bottom of the queue. You are now in contact with me, so you'll get at least a couple of responses a day. Are you wanting to me to help you get this resolved, or do you wish to move to a different password manager?

If you would like to continue using mSecure, I will need to make sure I understand some of the information you've provided. It sounds like you were able to sign in to your mSecure account on both your new iPhone and your Mac, which is would be good news. However, I need to make sure. When you open mSecure on the new iPhone and Mac, are you able to enter your password to open the app? If something goes wrong, do you see any error messages?

One other thing, I can see on your account that you are using iCloud for syncing. There are many things that can go wrong with iCloud syncing, and we have no control over that process, as it's completely managed by Apple. Are you ok with switching over to mSecure Cloud syncing at least temporarily while we troubleshoot what's going wrong?

Hi Thanks Mike,

Yes I'd like you help me resolve this as i've paid for the app and feel it needs to be resolved by the company I have paid - I don't know how to move the 88 records I have either to a new app and don't want to reinput them all manually.

So I have and can open msecure on both my old and new phone. The issue is on my new phone it just says synching and has no records?

I have moved the synching as you suggest over to msecure cloud on my old and new phone.

Let me know what is next please

kind regards


Hi Jane,

Ok, it's good news you were able to change the sync feature over to mSecure Cloud syncing, and was able to confirm the change was made by looking at your account settings. However, there's something you said that I don't quite understand. You said that you changed the sync feature on both your old and new phone, but that isn't necessary when you are signed in to the same account. The sync setting is an account-wide setting, so when you change it on one device, it will change on the other. Again, though, that is only true if both mSecure apps are signed in to the same account.

I think the easiest solution here could be to have you simply reinstall mSecure on your phone. You have access to your data on your old phone, so this is safe, and it could simply fix the problem more quickly than anything else I could have you try. If the reinstall doesn't work, then I'm going to have you try to make a backup of your data on your old phone and move it over to the new device. However, we'll get into that more only if needed.

On your new phone, find mSecure then tap and hold on the app icon until it starts to wiggle. Tap the option to delete the app, then confirm that you want to delete it. After the app has been deleted, open the App Store app and search for mSecure. In the mSecure page of the App Store, tap the button to download the app again.

After you have reinstalled mSecure, open the app and enter "[email protected]" for the username, then enter your password.

Were you able to reinstall mSecure on your new phone, and did that have any effect on the issue Jane?

Actually, after I posted that last message, I checked one other thing on your account. I think the problem might actually be on your old phone, but I'm not sure yet. I'm still going to have you reinstall mSecure on your new iPhone, but before you do, I'm going to have you try to do a manual sync in mSecure on your old phone.

To perform a manual sync, open mSecure on your old phone. After you see your records, tap anywhere on the records list an hold, then swipe your finder down until you see the sync indicator pull down from under the toolbar. You should see the sync indicator start to spin when you've pulled down far enough.

Were you able to perform the manual sync, and if so, did mSecure tell you the sync was processed successfully at the bottom of the record list? After I hear back from you, I'll check your account again to see if your encrypted data was uploaded.

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