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Soporte mSecure

Cannot login to mSecure6 after resetting my laptop

I recently reset my Windows 11 laptop and reinstalled mSecure6 from the Microsoft store, however I am unable to login.

When I launch the app I click Sign In in the lower left corner, enter my email and password then click Continue., at which point I get error message "Incorrect email or password".

Yet I am able to login from my backup Windows 10 laptop.

BTW, my email for this forum is different from my mSecure6 account.

 It's not you.  Widespread login issues now.  There are multiple threads and tickets.  Suggest you open a ticket.

So far, no word from mSecure all day, to any of the users having this issue.

Thanks James. I too can't sync on my Windows 10 desktop app. Its not updated but luckily my phone is (but sucks having to type in cryptic passwords without cut and paste. )


As you might have already seen in some posts I have made in the forum, we experienced a full server outage today (Monday, Feb 12th), and it's caused the problems you're reporting here. The good news is, the issue has been resolved, so everything should now be working correctly. We're very sorry for the inconvenience you've all experienced.

Can you check really quick to make sure everything is working now? You should have no problems signing in to mSecure, and syncing should work as well. If any of you are still experiencing a problem, please let me know and I'll look into it immediately.

Working fine now. Thanks.

Thank you for the confirmation @Brent! Please let me know should you run into any other troubles.

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