Question for you. Would you ever look at providing a standalone Windows executable for mSecure like you had prior to moving over to MS Store app? Reason I ask is my company has now blocked off access to MS Store app so I can't get any further updates on the app via work. The exe solution would hopefully still work as long as my company allows it.
I think you mentioned it before ages ago that you would consider it, not sure of the effort involved in doing it?
ha dicho
más de 1 año hace
Hi Mike,
Now able to download the latest version from the Windows Store. Thank you.
Mike - mSecure
ha dicho
más de 1 año hace
No problem at all Luke! Please let me know should you need further assistance.
Hi Mike,
Question for you. Would you ever look at providing a standalone Windows executable for mSecure like you had prior to moving over to MS Store app? Reason I ask is my company has now blocked off access to MS Store app so I can't get any further updates on the app via work. The exe solution would hopefully still work as long as my company allows it.
I think you mentioned it before ages ago that you would consider it, not sure of the effort involved in doing it?