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Soporte mSecure

how do I get support

trying to upgrade from v4 to v6 and then migrate data to new Pixel7 phone.  Have made several online requests, but no response.  

Hi Janice,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure where you were making your online requests, but I don't see any other posts in our support forum, and I'm not seeing any emails in our email support system. It's possible your email was caught in our spam filter, as that does happen occasionally.

If you're currently using mSecure 4, are you running that app on an Android device, or is it some other type of device? The upgrade process is very simple. You should be able to simply upgrade from v4 on your old device, then when you get your new phone, you just download mSecure 6 and sign in to your account. All your data should sync in, and you'll be all set.

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