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Soporte mSecure

Customer Support Number

I have tried several times to get assistance to Jo avail. I cant get into my app. I bought a new phone, transferred everything over but MSecure did not open. I couldn’t remember the pw so changed it on the old phone BUT it doesn’t work. I found the old pw but now neither old or new password work. I do not want to lose all my data. PLEASE HELP. I have important info on your App and don’t want to start over but if you don’t respond or provide a customer service number I will have to capture my info, print it and delete your app. It is ridiculous tgat you do not have a service line to call.

Hi JoAnn,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the time it's taken for me to answer your request. We don't offer telephone support at this time, which isn't uncommon for software companies, but I can help you either via email or here in the support forum. I just checked our support system, and it appears that Liam responded to your email. I'll actually take that ticket over and answer via email now. You will be receiving a message from me shortly.

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