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 I have followed to the letter the directions sent from PP+.   After export from PP+ only about 45 of 170 entries migrate.

How is one supposed to know how to "clean up" excel file or the CVS file or whatever?

How do I get mSecure 6 on iPhone and  Pad--can you send a link.  It is not in the App store as of May 3.

is there anyone you can tget help from a human.  This is very upsetting. Valerie

Hi Valerie,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you're experiencing here. Last week we published to the Microsoft Store, and that version has a fix for the issue you're experiencing here. If you have the Store app open on your computer, go ahead and close it and wait for about 10 seconds. Next, open the Store app, click the Library icon near the bottom of the thin left column, then click "Get updates" in the top right.

One thing to mention, before you do the import of your Passwords Plus data again, be sure to select all of the data currently in mSecure and delete it. After it's deleted, click "Deleted Items" in the left column, select all of the records again and permanently delete them. This will get you started from a clean slate when you go through the import process again.

Did the new version fix the issue, and were you able to get all your Passwords Plus information imported into mSecure?

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