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Showing the same icons on WINDOWS

I noticed on my Windows 10 machine, i have the same (TD Ameritrade) icons for most websites I have.  On my other machine running Windows 11, same websites only shows a GLOBE icon and not the TD Ameritrade.

Any ideas for a fix? On my iphone, everything is normal.


Even newly created ones.


My version.


2 personas tienen este problema

Strange thing going on with these icons! Some of the icons here also spontaneously changed....for no reason!

And, this is strange....why do company icons popup in my items !? I don't want that to be changed without my permission! 

@Alex Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you're experiencing. You've run into a known bug where one icon gets applied to many or all Login type records. Our developer was able to figure out the cause of this issue, so the next version we publish to the Microsoft Store will fix the problem with your record's icons. In the meantime, if you want the icons to look right before the fix is published, you can simply remove "https://" from the front of the URL stored in any of your Login records.

We're sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. It will be fixed shortly.

@Bo I just responded to you in the thread your created. If this is what you are experiencing, then you have also run into the known bug. It will be fixed soon.

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