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Soporte mSecure

Request for a Refund.

"In a previous post, I let everyone know that if you wanted to get a refund, to please let me know. If you are someone who wants a refund, please start a new discussion in the forum asking for a refund. I will respond as soon as possible and either process it myself or help point in the direction needed otherwise. Real quick, the only two stores I can process refunds for are Google Play and Paddle, which is the online seller we use for our website. If the subscription was made from inside the iOS, Mac or Windows app, the refund has to be requested from that particular app store, because they don't give 3rd party developers to ability to process refunds." 

I would like to request a refund

Paddle Receipt: #32201926



1 Persona tiene esta pregunta

@Anne We didn't remove/uninstall a version of the app from your computer. That is not possible for us to do, and I'm not sure how to make that any more clear than I have already done in various places. I'm open to talk with you more about this to explain it in more depth if needed, but neither Apple, Google or Microsoft would ever allow their 3rd party developers access to user's devices to perform this type of action. They would no longer have anyone using their devices if they did. What you and others are claiming here is simply untrue. The app is submitted to the app stores, they review it, and if they approve it, it gets downloaded onto user's devices according to their policies. That's the whole process, and it's the way it has worked since the advent of the app stores.

With regards to pulling some "60 days crap," what does that mean? I asked customers to request refund. I didn't say that any and all refund requests would be honored. We have a return policy, and that return policy is 60 days. I haven't said I wouldn't bend the return policy in order to process the refund, but I do abide by it. Is a return policy also unreasonable in your mind?

You are claiming things that are untrue, and so far as I can tell, nothing has gone wrong in the update. We didn't reach into your devices and take something from you, because that isn't possible. You haven't lost any features that you had in v5, and you don't have to pay for an upgrade. How is that a bait and switch?

@Robert When you request a refund from Apple and they give it to you, at some point the system should see you did so and remove the Premium subscription. If you have a v5 license on your account, then you will still have an Essentials account moving forward.

@Robert Can you let me know what you mean by "the informamous flash screen"? Are you talking about the message that pops up letting you know you need to upgrade to v6?

@Mike, Yes the pop-up that I misread and paid the subscription thinking it was my only option to continue within the 30 day trial period.  I didn't want to lose my data. All sorted now.  While I am here I am shortly changing my MacBook.. Will I just need to go to the App Store and download again.  Is there anything else I would need to do? 

@Robert Thank you for explaining that to me. In everything that's been happening, I don't know that I have heard a simple and calm explanation of that exact misunderstanding. It's helpful as we continue development, so we can learn from what causes confusion with our users, so thank you very much.

For your new Mac, you should be able to just download mSecure form the Mac App Store on the new computer, and then sign in to your account. It's easiest if you are using mSecure Cloud syncing, because your data will just be synced down from your cloud account. In the end, as long as you have at least one device where you can access your information, it's a very simple process. Please do let me know if you need any help.

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