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Soporte mSecure

mSecure 6.x Replacement (Free and More Secure)

I used to love mSecure 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x password manager but do the recent direction of the subscription service model I started looking for other solutions.

You have a free copy of mSecure 6.x, use the time to deal with the most recent version or use the time to find a different solution. (most see to already be at the subscription model)

I have Successfully ported my data from mSecure 6.x to a Password Manager called Bitwarden (Self Hosted)

I manually exported my data from mSecure 6.x to the format for LastPass using excel then imported it into Bitwarden.  Over 900 passwords would have been taken forever manually.  Don't use the mSecure import from Bitwarden, it's for the 5.x version at the time of this posting..

Bitwarden is not free, it's a bit more expensive than Mike's mSecure, but they have an option where you can host your own server and use all the pro features for free!   It does take some technical tinkering, but if you like to tinker as much as I do, it's well worth it.

If you are not comfortable with tinkering with Linux on a Raspberry PI or other small footprint home servers then I suggest you stick with mSecure 6. x  or another product.

I started tinkering with Raspberry Pi with a project called PI-Hole  -

I use this to block ads from my network.  I would suggest if you are feeling frisky, dust off your old Raspberry PI 3  Model B+ or better.

If you don't already have one, you can buy it from your favorite provider for about $20-200 bucks (depending on how fancy you want to get)  I have the $55 version and $12 case.  (Google it)

Here is the video that got me started with Raspberry Pi and PI-Hole

Pi-Hole is not required to run Bitwarden (Self Hosted) but it gives you a good understanding and practice with Raspberry and it's super at blocking ads, I watch Youtube videos and it blocks 95% of the ads.  I run Pi-Hole and Bitwarden from the same Raspberry Pi that's powered by my Linksys  Router.

To Install Bitwarden watch this video...

The entire idea behind this version of Bitwarden (Self-hosted) is that you don't have your passwords leaving your network on to a third-party server.  But still able to use Windows/Mac/Linux/IOS/Android desktop and mobile apps for free.

Look in the comments for "David E...."  on comments from the Youtube video and you will see the comments that make this work correctly.

Now, this bears repeating, if you are not a techie or don't have time to learn by watching some cool videos, I recommend you stick with the done-for-you solution of mSecure 6.X or another Password manager.

Disclaimer:  I did not make any of these videos, I am a customer just like you and I am not selling anything.


Thanks for the response.  Absolutely, I would like access. I'll help in any way that I can.

What I meant  (delete/port) is that I wondered if I downloaded the app that is currently showing in the Microsoft store,  and if it opened correctly, how would I get the data from my working  app on my cell phone to populate the potential newly installed version from the Microsoft store installed on my computer.

@Gary Thank you for your willingness to help with this. I'm still a little be confused with what you're talking about, but it's probably not a big deal if you're going to download the beta build. If you are running into an issue where mSecure is freezing on the splash screen on your PC, then I would think you already have the latest v6 build installed. Do you know which version you currently have installed on your PC?

Also, in order to get you access to the latest beta build, I will need to get the email you use for signing in to the Store app on your PC. If you don't want to write that email out here, you can send it to me via email at [email protected]. Once you send it, let me know here in this thread, and I'll respond as soon as I see it.

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