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Soporte mSecure

Tags, groups


In the previous version I had groups, now they are gone and tags are added.

What happens if I have some passwords with tags when, for example, I fall back to the essentails account after the trial premium period?

Personally I think that the function tags should be added to the essentials since the function groups is gone.

Hi Gui,

With an Essentials account, you can always add one tag to all of your records. It functions nearly identical to groups in the old app.


when I look at plans-msecure, tags are not listed under essentials but only at Premium. That's why this question.

Thank you for the clarification Gui. We are aware that tags is only listed under Premium, and that's because the actual Tags feature, as differentiated from Groups in previous versions, is that you can add multiple tags to a record instead of simply adding a record to one group. Since you can always add one tag and V5 Pro users don't lose any features, we left that off the Essentials list. We should update the list in the future to show "Single Tag" as one of the Essentials features.

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