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Soporte mSecure

Import 1Password .1pux file

Don't know if it's unique to 1Password 8, but I'm getting a .1pux file from the export.

Hi Tony,

I'm not sure how 1Password 8 is exporting the data, but mSecure can only import .1pif files exported from the 1Password app. The only other option at this time is to have import a CSV file, but I'm not sure right now if 1Password 8 exports to a CSV file. I would be surprised if it didn't, but I haven't been able to check into the new version yet. Do you know if the new 1Password app can export to .1pif or CSV type file?

Also, I'm going to notifying our developer about this, because I think the export file may have something to do with them changing over to an Electron-based app. That would have had far-reaching affect on the functionality of the app, as I'm sure you're aware, and it's probable they re-wrote the export code. If we are able to account for this, I'm doubtful we would be able to get the changes into mSecure 5, but we can look into adding them to mSecure 6.

Thanks, Mike.

I rolled back to 1PW7 and was able to export a pif file. No trouble with the import to mSecure with that.

That's great news Tony, and tank you for bringing this to our attention. I was able to talk to our developer yesterday, and he's going to be looking into the possibilities of importing .1pux files. If that won't work, which it may not due to the backups being encrypted, then we'll look into other ways it might be possible to import 1Password 8 data. 

Yes, 1Password 8 is currently exporting 1pux files. Do not know if this will be the case when the software is made public or will it then revert back to 1pif. As of now, to get 1pif files, one needs to use 1Password 7.

Thank you for the update on this SJ!

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