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Soporte mSecure

Login issue

 unable to login on new iphone 12.  Was working yesterday on old iphone 7.

1 Persona tiene este problema

Hi Stephen,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure what could be happening here, as there aren't any bugs we know of that would keep you from signing in to your account. Do you still have your iPhone 7 by chance, and if so, are you still able to access your information on that device's mSecure app?

Also, I wanted to let you know I'm deleting your other post with the same question to avoid unnecessary clutter in the forum. We'll keep all of the correspondence in this thread.

I put in the correct password on my iMac but it tells me my password is incorrect.

@Daniel Do you have access to any version of mSecure on any of your devices, or are you completely locked out of mSecure?

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