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Help! Lost phone and I can't sync / use the msecure downloaded on my other devices - MSECURE on WINDOWS 10 force closes my app

I have just lost my phone and I only have this old laptop of mine that is connected to the MSECURE5 software. However, it won't let me login unless I link it to my DROPBOX.

I can't even get it to connect to my DROPBOX even though I signed in correctly. I have read here somewhere that others are having the same issues where they can't connect their windows 10 device's MSECURE to their dropbox.

Please, I need help. I can login to my DROPBOX fine, but I need to get my other devices to connect to my MSECURE.

I can't find my authentication QR code or key anywhere, not even in my dropbox.

I am more than happy to provide whatever documentation to show that I am the person who owns the mSecure Account. :'( All of my logins are in there!

Hi Jamine,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Unfortunately, the Dropbox feature is currently not working in the Windows version of mSecure. Changes were made on Dropbox's servers without us knowing, and it has broken the sync functionality in mSecure 5. It will work in mSecure 6, but that is a couple months away from it's production release. Do you happen to know someone with a Mac, iOS or Android device you could borrow? If so, you would be able to sign in to your mSecure account and change the syncing from Dropbox to mSecure Cloud. After doing that, you would then be able to access your data on your PC, and then you can delete the app from the device you borrowed.

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