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Family Sharing on ios app store

I have a pro licence used on ipad and macbook issues. Have Family Sharing setup in the app store. Downloaded the app onto a group members ipad and note its a trial edition. App store indicates I can share with up to 5 family sharing members. Assumed pro would be installed but appears not. Am I missing something? Or is Pro not sharable?

Hi Gary,

mSecure 5 is a free app to download on all available app stores. Free apps will often be marked as a Family Sharing or Family Library app on Apple app stores or the Google Play Store. However, mSecure 5 is a free app with an in-app purchase. In-app purchases cannot be shared using the Family Sharing or Family Library options. You can read more about what types of content you can and can't share on Apple's app stores here:

Whether you purchase an mSecure 5 license through an in-app purchase in mSecure 5 or directly from our website, the purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. If you would like to share your mSecure information and your mSecure 5 license with your family member(s), you are welcome to share your mSecure account credentials with your family member(s). With your mSecure account credentials, your family member(s) would be able to sign in to the same mSecure account, share the same mSecure information, and the same mSecure 5 license.

If you need to set up an mSecure account for a family member and purchase a separate license, please let me know and I will go over our discount offer. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Excellent Eden. Thank you for the very helpful reply and outlining the options available.

Hello, now it's possibile to share in-app purchases with Apple's Family Sharing, but mSecure 5 is still available only in trial mode to other family members. Would you make it possible to share a license with a family member? Thanks.

Hi Cristina,

Thank you for contacting us. Your mSecure license is already able to be shared with your immediate family members. mSecure licenses are applied to a specific account, so the only way for your family to have access to the license is by signing in to the same account. However, the current version of mSecure doesn't have support for cross-account sharing, so if all of your family is signed in to the same account, all of the data in the account will be visible to everyone.

Cross-account sharing is a feature that's coming in mSecure 6, which is nearing its first beta release. When that version is released, we do plan to create a system where multiple accounts will be able to share a license and share specific sets of data.

Hello. I would like two family members to have their own mSecure login using the App I’ve already bought on the AppStore. Did I read that this could be organised at a discounted rate?

@Phil I can help you get a discount on the extra licenses for your family. Please email us at [email protected], and place "Attention Mike" in the subject line. We'll talk more via email.

Hello,  we had the free version of mSecure4  for a few years, and both were able to view the information by logging into the one account.  

I   purchased mSecure5 a while back, and want to know if my husband needs to purchase it as well to be able to see all the information, or is there a free version of mSecure 5 and he can login with my information to view as well.   For ease of updating our accounts and info, is there a desktop version, we can download, and is it free or is there a charge?

Thank you for your help.


Hi Kathy,

Thank you for contacting us. For clarification, the old version of mSecure was never given away for free. It was always distributed through the App Stores and was at least a $9.99 purchase unless it was on sale.

For mSecure 5, if you and your husband would like to share all the same information, he can simply download the app from the App Store, and then sign in to your account. After he does that, all of the data will sync over to his device as long as you have one of the sync features turned on. Also, be sure that he Signs In to your account and that he does not Sign Up for a new account. If he Signs Up for a new account, data won't sync.

Thanks Mike. Is there a way to download our info to a spreadsheet file?

No problem at all Kathy. Real quick, were you able to get you and your husband signed in to the same account to share your information in the new app? If not, I want to make sure that's addressed.

With regards to exporting your data, you can export to a CSV file, but you have to use the desktop version of mSecure. Do you have mSecure running on either a Mac or PC?

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