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Soporte mSecure

Accessing app on new device

How do I install and access app on my new iPhone?

3 personas tienen esta pregunta

Hi Sandra,

Thank you for contacting us. Simple question, but hard to answer without knowing more. What version of mSecure were you using? If previously using mSecure 4, you'll have to download our older app from your purchased list. Here's a guide that can help to learn how to download previously purchased apps:

Otherwise, if using mSecure 5, just download the app from the App Store and sign in to your mSecure account. 

Note that since the older version(s) of mSecure isn't a cloud-based app, there is no way to "sign in" to an account where your information is stored online. Because of this, each older version of the mSecure's login password is device specific and your information is not automatically restored when an older version of mSecure is installed or reinstalled on a mobile device.

Are you running an older version of mSecure on any other devices, and is your data fully intact on at least one of them? If not, have you made any mSecure backups through either the Email Backup feature found in the preferences or through using our free backup software called mBackup? Perhaps you set up iCloud or Dropbox syncing in the older versions of mSecure in the past?

We have an automated reminder in the older iOS app for making backups, so it is possible that you made an email backup some time in the past. Please search in your email accounts to see if you can find an email with "mSecure", "mism" or "mscx" in them. If you find an email backup you can use this guide to restore from an email backup file: or in mSecure 5:

I am trying to install mSecure 5 onto my wife iPhone 6, but the password is not being accepted.  I entered the same 'name' and 'pw' that I've used for the master-desktop iMac (which all other 'portables' sync to), BUT, the newly downloaded-from-App-Store mSecure 5 is not allowing a log-on?   Please advise what I need to do?    FYI, I did pay for the 5 upgrade & annual renewal as a longtime user.

Hi Dennis,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. It looks like you are running into a long-standing issue that can start after a password change. We're working to figure out what causes it to happen, but we have not been able to so yet. The problem is that during a password change, the app gets disconnected from the online account, and when that happens, it's no longer possible to sign in to the account on a different device. I checked your account, an it looks like a password change was done back in February of 2019, and it's at that point it appears the app was disconnected from your online account.

In order to fix the problem, you're going to need to reset your account. Before you do that, however, I need to be sure I understand your context better. It looks like you have access to your information in mSecure on at least one other device, which would be your Mac computer. Do you also have access to your information on another device? Does mSecure on your Mac have all your information stored in it?

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