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Purchased upgrade to my other account

Received an email offering a discounted upgrade to pro version. Made the to purchase using my credit card, but it was linked to my other account that I no longer using. Worst is I’m no longer using that account email and no access to it any longer. How do I credit the Upgrade to my current account? The transaction has already been credited to my credit card. Sent an email 2x to customer support with email attachment and credit card transaction doc, but didn’t get any reply. Need your help pls!

2 personas tienen este problema

HI Teddy,

 Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. When purchasing a license on our website, you are required to sign in to an account. I'm not sure why you chose to sign in to an account that you no longer use. The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with and we state that when making your purchase on your website. Unfortunately, since I'm likely going to have to verify sensitive information to fix your issue here, I will not be able to provide help via the forum. I have responded to your ticket/email instead.

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