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Soporte mSecure

Upgraded to Pro; Password stopped working

with the new version of MSecure, you have to pay $29.99 to use the TouchID login.  I paid the $30 via the through App upgrade following a password login.  I have been logging into MSecure on my phone all morning with the password.  Received Apple notices of the purchase and a credit card fraud check, so it was purchased.  Next thing the MSecure App does is return to login screen and ask for the password (which I just used to get into the App to upgrade to Pro) and now that password won't work.  Restarted phone.  No joy.  Downloaded app for PC; logged in. No info in PC app, but is my account.  

Any ideas on what is going on?  Should I just delete the app and start over?

Hi Christopher,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  I'm not sure I understand what the issue is here exactly. However, our system does show that you are using a paid account and shows not account password changes. Were you able to unlock mSecure 5 on your iPhone? Also, did you have mSecure information in mSecure 5 on your iPhone and(or) did you manage to sync the information to mSecure 5 on Windows?

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