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Issues with Restoring from a Backup

How long does the process take? Do all the devices need to be shut down or logged off? I've been trying to complete a restore and it's been running for hours. Nothing has happened. Is there a way to delete the current version and restore from scratch? 

Hi Mia,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. Restoring from a backup file should not take too long. However, if you have thousands of records or tons of custom icons and photo attachments, it can take several minutes to restore from a backup file. Can you let me know how you are trying to restore your data and what kind of backup file you are trying to use?

This is how you restore from a backup file:

  1. Open and unlock mSecure 5
  2. Click File
  3. Click Restore
  4. Select your .msim or .msib backup file and restore

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I understand your last question here. Are you unable to force close mSecure? Have you tried force closing the app? What happens when you try to open it again?

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