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Soporte mSecure

Beta sign up?

Is there be a way to sign up for beta testing in the new forum? Thanks, Mike Lax

Hi Mike,

There is no beta going on right now. When we have another beta for users, we'll make sure to have a sign up page or link to sign up for our betas. If you have previously signed up for our betas, we'll make sure to email you and let you know that we have a new beta available. 

Any news on when the next beta will be available?  Thanks,

Is there an estimated time frame when version 6 will be released?

Hey Guys,

We have been diverted from the beta release for some time since we had to deal with issues in the older version of mSecure that arose after recent iOS updates. We are just now getting back to full force on the v6 beta, and our goal is to have it ready by the end of August.

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