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Reinstall on new windows 11 pc

 I have been with MSecure from datasoft transition. I use it on my windows 10 PC, laptop an, tablet and phone. I recently purchased a new windows 11 pc and installed mSecure but need to authenicate the account. I do not have the original email. Can you help?


Hi James,

This shouldn't be hard to resolve. In each mSecure app, you can go to the Account Settings to see your QR code and you can also send yourself a new QR code via email. On your table or phone, open mSecure and tap the menu button in the top left corner. Tap Settings, then tap Account in the Settings screen. You'll see an option to reveal your QR code and after revealing it, you'll be able to either scan the code directly or send yourself the via email.

Were you able authenticate on your new PC?

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