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Password history issue on Android

Hi Mike,

The Password History feature in mSecure 6.1 is indeed very useful and convenient when trying to update new passwords. However, I found a problem in the Android version of mSecure 6.1.3 Build 1837. The timestamp of the topmost (latest) password is somehow not maintained as the time when the password was last changed. Instead, it is consistently following the timestamp when any field in the record is copied or modified even though the password remains unchanged. This is surely not the intent.

mSecure version 6.1.376.0 on Windows does not have this issue. Any non-password changes are only reflected in the timestamp of the record but not the password history.

I did not test the iOS or Mac versions, so you should probably check those versions as well.

Hi JSeow,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I just confirmed this as a bug on my Android device, and I notified the developer. It should be fixed when we publish a new release this week. I'm in the process of testing that new version now, so we're planning for it to be in the Play Store over the next couple days.

Also, I tested the other platforms, and I do not see the bug in them. Please do let me know if you see something that I didn't, however.

Hi Mike,

I noticed there was an update today to version and have just confirmed that the password history issue has been fixed. Some of my devices are still on, though, so hopefully the roll-out will reach them soon enough. Thanks for your quick action.

Hi JSeow,

Thank you for confirming this issue is resolved! This release was actually a much bigger release than the version number would indicate. There was a lot of changes in the app, so it took a bit to get this one through testing. Because of the nature of the changes, we're rolling it out slowly. I was hoping to have it done by the end of this week, but it's Thanksgiving, so this is our last day of this work week. I might get it up to 30% of our users today, but I'm not sure. Come Monday, however, I'll up the percentage and we plan to have it fully rolled out by the end of next week.

The funny thing is, it's so strange how the releases get propagated through the Play system. You would think if your account received the update on one device that it would be available on all devices signed in to the same Play account. I'm hoping you get access to it on your other devices before next week, but if not, it will be available as soon as possible.

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