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edited template and then trouble....

I thought I would add a field to each of the templates b/c I always seem to not have enough text fields to write notes. so I went to settings, edit template, added field, names it NOTES,  named it a TEXT field type, swiped to turn on "show in main view" , swpied to turn on "show label".....and then saved. NOW.....when I went back into each file - they all took out all other info - so now all the fields on the previously saved accounts are gone. and all the cards are labeled "NO NAME"....and I have no idea which card I am looking at b/c they all lost their other fields. 

(when I went in to edit the template - I did NOT make any other changes) NOW all my info is missing.....please help!

and yes my husband also has an ios device.

Hi Jen,

Ok, just to be clear, are you saying that the 330 entries that still show "NO TITLE" are showing that way after restoring on your husband's device, or is it showing that way after it syncs over to your device? We have a problem right now in that you are trying to restore the data but it's getting synced immediately, and that could be causing further problems. We need to do one of two things:

1) Turn off syncing in your husband's mSecure app. This would mean he would have to be removed from any vaults that his account has access to, and he would have to delete any vaults he may have created. This might not be ideal.

2) Move the backup you found for 9/28 on your husband's device over to your device and then restore it in your account. The reason this should be different is because your account is the main account that is sharing all of the data with other users. This means that when the backup is restored, all of the data will be restored to your Private vault that is not shared with any other accounts. Since it's not shared, none of the restored data will sync over to other devices. The one thing that will be confusing, however, is that there is still data in your shared vault, and that data may still show up with "NO-TITLE" for the record's names. Because if this, I think resetting the sharing feature in your account is the best route forward. That will be covered in option 3 below.

3) Move the backup you found for 9/28 on your husband's device over to your device first. Then delete all shared vaults you have in the Sharing Center, which will remove all of the data from the accounts you are sharing with, causing all the records to become private records. After that, restore the backup you moved over, making sure to choose the option to overwrite all of the data currently stored in your mSecure app. After this, only the data stored in the backup should be displayed in your account, and after you make sure it looks good, then you can set up shared vaults again.

Are you OK with going through option #3?

OMG YES option 3 it is.....

Gosh I am hoping that this doesn't get messed up, but am also at this point just willing to erase all and start from scratch. Adding the family to the plan, and the vaults is what I believe to have caused all the YES YES YES - a step-by-step of option 3 would be lovely!


Hi Jen,

Ok, here are the steps to move the backup over to your device and restore it in your mSecure app:

  1. Find the bakcup from 9/28 in your husband's iCloud Drive account using the Files app on his iPhone:
    1. Open the "Files" app on his device
    2. Tap the "iCloud Drive" folder
    3. Tap the "mSecure" folder
    4. Tap the folder named with what looks to be 10 random characters. If there is more than one folder that has 10 random characters, stop here and send me the email address your husband uses for his mSecure account.
    5. Tap the "backups" folder
    6. Find the bakcup from 9/28 and long-tap it
    7. In the menu that pops up, tap "Share"
    8. Tap the "Mail" icon and send the backup to your own email address
    9. After sending the backup to you, open your Mail app and find the email you just, making sure there's an attached backup file attached to it
  2. Delete all Vaults you have in the Sharing Center:
    1. Tap the menu button in the top left of mSecure on your device
    2. Tap "Sharing Center"
    3. Make sure you're in the "Vaults" tab
    4. Delete all the vaults you have created (you'll add them back later)
    5. Do not proceed unless all of the vaults were able to be deleted. If something goes wrong here, and you are not able to delete one or more vaults, stop here and let me know.
  3. Find the email backup you sent from your husband's device
  4. Tap the attached back file and choose to open in mSecure
  5. When mSecure opens, you should see "Restore from Backup" screen. Enter your HUSBAND'S mSecure password (not your password, because the backup was created in his mSecure app).
  6. After entering the password, be sure you tap "Restore" at the bottom (do not tap Merge)

Were you able to get through those steps Jen, and if so, how does the data look?

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