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biometrics shut off on new phone password lost

Just recently purchased a new iPhone 15 and as soon as all apps were backed up I realized that Msecure Shut off biometrics. so now my face scan no longer available I had to refer to my password on apple keychain which is evidently not the right I'm locked out from one of the most important apps I own..

It will be devastating if their is a total loss of all rec olds I just can't even comprehend it. 

please help

Hi Archie,

I'm not sure what you mean here. mSecure doesn't shut off biometrics when you install it on a new device. A new device has to be set up with new biometric data, which is why you have to set up face recognition for Face ID on every new device. Your face data cannot be carried over from one device to another. Because of this, the Face ID data for mSecure cannot be carried over to a new device either. The only way to get into an mSecure account on a new device is to know your account password and enter it manually. That is by design and not a bug.

Do you still have access to your old iPhone by chance? If so, are you able to open mSecure on it and view your information using Face ID?

I have same problem and old iphone is wiped and returned to apple in store

@Fredric As mentioned in my response to @Archie, mSecure doesn't shut off biometrics when you install it on a new device. A new device has to be set up with new biometric data, which is why you have to set up face recognition for Face ID on every new device. Your face data cannot be carried over from one device to another. Because of this, the Face ID data for mSecure cannot be carried over to a new device either. The only way to get into an mSecure account on a new device is to know your account password and enter it manually. That is by design and not a bug.

So you're now unable to sign in to your mSecure account, correct?

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