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Recieving <decryption error>

Hi team,

I'm receiving this decryption error on my mSecure app. It was working fine, and I was previously able to access the app via Face ID. After realising that I had forgotten my password, I opted to change it and no I can no longer access any of my records as they all say <decryption error>.

Is there a way to fix this as I am unable to restore a backup as I do not know the password?

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. When changing your password from inside the mSecure app's Settings, you should not ever run into this type of issue. Did you change the password from the app's Settings, or did you tap the "Forgot Password" link on the lock screen? Also, I can't find an account with the email you are using here in the forum. Do you use a different email address for your mSecure account? If so, what is that email so I can look up your account in our system?

Hi Mike, 

Appreciate the prompt response - I am actually an EA for the user, I just thought it may have been better to present this as my own issue as I have been assisting with trying to get the issue resolved. The password was changed via the app, and his email is [email protected] - I am happy to keep him looped in comms if that's what you require for verification but prefer if we do the majority of the leg work to minimize time impact.

Hey Mike,

I'm actually the EA for the user, so I thought it might be best to present this as my own issue as I was involved in the password change and trying to get this all sorted. The password was changed from within the app and the user's email address is [email protected]. Happy to loop him in on any correspondence if that's required but we would prefer if I did the majority of the leg work to minimize time impact on the user.


Hi John,

Ok, I was able to look at your client's account, and something strange happened when he changed his password. It's difficult to explain, but somehow multiple changes to the password were processed at the same time. I don't think it's something he did, but I don't have an explanation for it after doing testing on my own iOS device.

It he able to view his information in mSecure on any of his devices? If he is, which one is it?

Hi Mike,

Unfortunately,  this is his primary device and mSecure has not been properly set up on any other devices  - we are unable to see any records at all at the moment.

I'm sorry for the delay in my reply. This is a very strange situation, because it typically happens when an account is reset on one device and then things don't sync up correctly on the other device.

The only way we have to fix issues like this is by restoring from a backup. The app makes automatic backups that are stored locally on the device and in the user's iCloud Drive account, so I'm hoping a recent one will be available. Go ahead and open the app, then tap the menu button in the top left corner (3 stacked lines), and then tap Settings. In Settings, tap "Backups." Do you see a recent backup listed in that screen? What happens if you tap the button to restore from one of those backups?

The backup looks like it's available and prompts for a password. My understanding is that the backup password is linked to the current account password at the time the backup is made. We are unable to retrieve this password. Are there alternative options to restoring these backups given that we have the original key?


Hi John,

I'm sorry for the long wait in getting back to you about this issue. I was able to talk to our developer about what's happening, but we were not able to figure out exactly what caused it to happen. At this point, we have at least one thing we would like to try to see if it will fix the problem. In order to move forward, however, the user will need to sign in to their mSecure account on another device. I know earlier in our correspondence, you told me your client only had mSecure set up on one device, but does he have another device available that he could install mSecure? If so, can you have him install the app on that device and sign in to his account?

Hi Mike,

We have attempted to sign in to a new device and no records have synced or restored automatically. There's just nothing listed, no '<decryption error>'. What are the next steps we should try?


Hi Mike, 
We have just attempted to log in to mSecure on another device, an iPad and after entering the password it requests authentication via the QR code. When presenting the QR code, from the old phone we are able to log in to it does not work and returns invalid QR code. The same happens for the QR code originally sent via email so we are unable to log in to this new device to test troubleshooting.  The issue has become critical as we are currently unable to access crucial accounts - is there anything I can do to help expedite this process?

Hi John,

I'm sorry you weren't able to get into mSecure on the second device. Unfortunately, neither I nor the developer have any explanation for what's happened here. The problem is, the data being displayed with the <decryption error> means that mSecure is not able to decrypt the information stored in the app using the security data it has. The account key, which is encrypted with the user's account password, is somehow not encrypted with the new password that was set, so when the that account key is supplied to decrypt the data, the decryption is failing and the error is displayed.

Real quick, something you said in your previous post has got me confused. It sounded like you said you were able to sign in to the account on a second device but there was no data. If you were able to sign in to the account that first time, you should have seen something even if it was decryption errors. Can you explain that in some more detail?

Also, I have reminders to check your post here in the forum regularly throughout my day, so I'll be getting back to you more quickly than was previously.

Hi Mike,

Apologies for the late response - I was mistaken, when I said we were able to log in - the application accepted the username and password but did not accept the original QR code. What are our possible steps to resolution at this stage?



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