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Switching to mSecure Teams

I would like to take my existing employees individual account and move them into a Teams account.  What is the best way to do this and can they import their saved data in the new Teams group?

Hi Marcy,

Thank you for contacting us. There are a couple of things to talk about here. Are you wanting to share company data with various employees? If you were to add an employee to a Team license, that employee's mSecure account will become a Premium account. At that point, you can invite the account to share data with your own account in the "Users" tab of the "Sharing Center." Then you can create vaults and add the employee to it with what privileges you would like them to have. After you add data to the vault, the employee will be able to see it.

Another thing we need to talk about is that you have you current subscription through the Windows app. For subscriptions purchased through the Microsoft Store, there is no way to upgrade the subscription. The only thing we could do is have you cancel that subscription, then you would be able to purchase a Team subscription from our website.

If I cancel the current subscription and re-purchase a teams, will I be able to import my current saved data in the the new subscription?

Hi Marcy,

You won't have to anything with your data when you cancel a subscription. Your account isn't affected by a subscription change. You would simply cancel the subscription, then sign up for the Team subscription, and everything would just work.

Ok thank you so much!

You're welcome Marcy. One thing to mention, if you want to mover over to a Team subscription, let me know. When you cancel a subscription, it won't expire until it's normal renewal time comes about. This is because you paid up front for a certain period of time. The website won't let you purchase a new subscription while you still have time remaining on your current subscription, so I'll have to do some things manually to get you moved over.

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