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latest version of mSecure for windows pc ?

I have version    - Is this the latest ??

Hi Noella, is not the latest version. 6.1.348.0 is the newest release in the Microsoft Store.

So I'm not seeing it in the microsoft store Mike...but I remember I was at one point on beta testing, so I'm wondering if my name still appears in the list which is preventing me from seeing the latest microsoft update ??

Hi Noella,

I did find your email in one of the beta lists, though I though for sure I had already removed it. I removed your address, so can you try closing the Store app on your PC, then open it again, click the Library icon in the bottom left and then click Get Updates?

Do you see the update now? 

Everything is good now..all new updates are seen and able to be installed.

Nice Noella! I'm still not sure why you being on the beta list would cause this to happen, but removing you fixe the issue. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure what's happening, because it's much easier to keep customers like you and @Ai as testers on a continual basis. You both always provide great feedback and aren't afraid of beta releases =)

As always, let me know if you need further assistance or have feedback.

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