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Data does not display

Yesterday MSecure worked fine. Today I can retrieve 10 of 230 entry’s. The alphabet that displays on the right side half of the letters and all data missing. Opens favorites only.

Hi Edmund,

Go ahead and tap the yellow star in the top right corner to disable the favorites filter, and you should see the rest of your records.

I don't claim to be a technical whiz but I hit every button available and believe I now have two subscriptions to Msecure. After vigorous button pushing and every complimentary thing I could say the software came back to operate properly after two cycles of complete shutdown of the Iphone. Can you please check to see if I am the proud owner of two msecure accounts?

Thank you

Hi Edmund,

I'm not sure what you mean here. In my previous message, I let you know you only needed to tap the yellow star at the top right of the main view. When that star is yellow, it means you have the favorites filter enabled, and only records that are marked as favorites will be displayed. If you tap that start, it will become a blue outline, and then all your records will be displayed if you have the leftmost icon in the filterbar enabled. Do you still see the yellow star in the top right corner of the screen?

Also, for the subscription, I only see one in our system, but you'll need to make sure you weren't able to make a second purchase through the app on your iOS device. While it shouldn't be possible to purchase 2 subscriptions, we have seen this happen before. You'll need to go to the iOS Settings app (not the settings in mSecure), tap your portrait at the top of the screen, then tap Subscriptions. Do you see an active subscription for mSecure?

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