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Changed password and now neither of my macbooks 2018MBP nor 2021MBA M1 can sync

What the title says.  My wife reset her iphone and of course mSecure needed to be signed in.  Noticed the password had been around a while and wasn't super strong so I decided to change it before getting her signed back in.  Clearly this was a mistake.  On my windows 10 PC,  my android phone and her iPhone we're signed in and syncing.

Neither my 2018MBP or 2021 MBA M1 can get signed back in.  On my MBP I tried removing everything about msecure, both via the app store, then under my library, and icloud.  But still when I re-download from the app store, sign in it won't sync. I just get the same message. (on both macbooks)

everything is on mSecure 6

1 Person hat dieses Problem


I just responded to your message via email, so we'll keep the correspondence in that thread from here on out. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon, and we'll get this issue worked out.

I have the same problem with my 2021 MBP M1. Same error message.

2018 iPad pro, Samsung S10+, Win 10 PC all seem to be syncing OK.

MBP M1 seems to be syncing data but will not use Touch ID & gives sync error message every sync.

Would appreciate seeing the response to Dallace published (or emailed to me)

Thank you

Hi John,

The message you are seeing, if it is the same message @Dallace was seeing, means that you reset your account. The only way that can be done is via the iOS app, if you tap "Forgot Password" or you went to our website and reset the account. It may also be displayed if you deleted your account, which can only be done in the Mac or iOS mSecure apps.

I checked your account that has the email address you are using here in the forum, and I'm not exactly sure what's happening, because I'm not seeing that an account reset was preformed. However, I do see that your password was changed back on November 10th. First, can you tell me on what device you changed your password? I'm guessing it was on either your Android or Windows device, but I need to make sure.

Also, do you have access to all your information in either your Android or Windows mSecure app? If so, this should be a very easy fix.

I am getting the identical error message on my Mac, no error anywhere else.

I originally started to change the password on android but backed out of it since I didn’t understand any of the things it was asking (do not remember what it asked). Think I went to iPad (might have been win10, not positive now, have been fighting this since the 10th) & finished changing the password. I never reset or deleted the account from anywhere but have tried every troubleshooting recommendation on your site. Except for unloading & fresh reload of program on Mac- cannot figure out how to delete all residue of program on mac for a fresh reload… can’t figure how to log out & do a fresh login w/ mac…

I can access all info on all platforms but sometimes after login there is no data. Can get it back thru restoring from backup.

Can login with face id on ipad, face or fingerprint on android but cannot use fingerprint on Mac.

Also was getting a blank “screen” in lower right corner on android if I tried to add a new record w/the “+” in lower right corner. Added a test record from iPad & synced, now it works. Added test record  via android after “+” screen corrected itself, Sync works on android, iPad & win10 but not on Mac. 


Added an entry on the mac. It synced to all other platforms but will not sync their entries (ie- mac is sending data to all but not receiving update data from anybody)

This is what happened to me, I changed my password gracefully on my windows 10 machine within the app.  This broke MacBook sync.  During this whole debacle I had something wipe out my data a couple of times also.  I believe it was when trying to sign my wife back into her iPhone the first time.  Something weird happened and it cleared all the data on my phone before my eyes which was open to mSecure at the time since I needed a password.  This scared me, so before doing anything else I disconnected my ethernet cable on my PC, then woke it up and made sure I did a manual backup of mSecure before it could 'phone home' .  From there I was able to copy that backup to my phone and restore it. (Granted these details are a little fuzzy because it was a little bit ago, and I was panicking at the moment).  At any rate, my data was 'cleared' a couple of times trying to get my MacBook(s) reconnected to my account / syncing without luck.  

I'm pretty techy and don't generally screw up things as simple as changing/updating a password, much less all the other weird stuff that happened with clearing my data during this process.

The fix for me was ultimately to just delete the mSecure data on the macs by following steps given to me in the support ticket which I'll link to below.  Obviously do this at your own risk since I am giving you advice given to me and my situation.  When I did the below, my Windows 10PC, my Android Phone, my wifes iPhone were all connected OK, but my work 2018 MacBook, and our personal MacBook Air M1  would not sync.  Before this, I had tried uninstalling, and deleting the mSecure data from the MacBook but it was somehow staying connected to my account. I clearly wasn't finding the below file / removing it which did 'reset' mSecure.


To reset mSecure on your Mac:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac, and look in the top left corner of your screen. You should see "mSecure" in the menu bar. To the right of "mSecure," you should see the word "Help." You'll click on that in step #2 below.
2. Click Help in the menu bar at the top left of your screen. A contextual menu will appear. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, and you should see two hidden options appear at the bottom of the contextual menu.
3. Click "Show Data File in Finder", and a Finder window will appear revealing mSecure's database file, which is named, "mSecure.mscb"
4. Close mSecure
5. Move the "mSecure.mscb" file to the trash

Now you have reset the Mac app, and you're ready to sign back in to your mSecure account:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac if it is closed
2. Skip the welcome screens to go directly to the Sign Up / Sign In screen
3. Click "Sign In"

Enter your mSecure account's email address for the username, then enter the password for that account to sign in to it.


@Dallace Thank you for posting the steps that fixed things for your Mac. These are the instructions I was going to send @John as well. I can't explain what's happening here, but I am sure that if you're able to reset mSecure on your Mac, everything will work going forward as it has for you.

@John Since you have all your data on your Android and iPad, you will just need to reset the Mac app, as you have been trying to do. After you delete the database and sign back in to your account, the data will sync in from your mSecure Cloud account.

To reset mSecure on your Mac, follow the instructions below:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac, and look in the top left corner of your screen. You should see "mSecure" in the menu bar. To the right of "mSecure," you should see the word "Help." You'll click on that in step #2 below.

2. Click Help in the menu bar at the top left of your screen. A contextual menu will appear. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, and you should see two hidden options appear at the bottom of the contextual menu.

3. Click "Show Data File in Finder", and a Finder window will appear revealing mSecure's database file, which is named, "mSecure.mscb"

4. Close mSecure

5. Move the "mSecure.mscb" file to the trash

Now you have reset the Mac app, and you're ready to sign back in to your mSecure account:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac if it is closed

2. Skip the welcome screens to go directly to the Sign Up / Sign In screen

3. Click "Sign In"

Enter your mSecure account's email address for the username, then enter the password for that account to sign in to it.

Did that take care of the issue?

That appears to have fixed it.

Thank you!

No problem at all John, and it's great to hear everything's back to normal. Should you experience any other issues, please don't hesitate to reach out! Take care John!

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