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switching from passwords plus to msecure import issues

so i purchased msecure and have password plus, so first thing i don't see a way to import passwords in to msecure and 2nd thing is i don't see a way to get my passwords off of passwords plus  

2 Personen haben diese Frage

Discovered that half of my passwords did not import from the Passwords Plus .csv file Do I have to start again ? The records are not muddled just absent.

@Tessa Before we do anything to troubleshoot the issue, I need to make sure something simple isn't happening here. We don't have any known issues that keep some data from showing in any of the mSecure apps, even after a Passwords Plus import, so I'm hoping this is a filtering issue. To make sure no filters are set and all records are visible, please follow the instructions below.

For iOS:

1) Tap the menu icon in the top left of your screen to bring in the menu

2) Tap "All Records" at the top of the list, then close the menu

3) Tap the leftmost icon in the filterbar at the top of the main view

4) Look at the star in the top right of the main view. Is it yellow? If it is, tap it to disable the favorites filter.

For Android:

1) Tap the menu icon in the top left of your screen to bring in the menu

2) Tap "All Items" at the top of the list, then close the menu

3) Look at the star in the top right of the main view. Is it yellow in the on position? If it is, tap it to disable the favorites filter.

For Mac:

1) Click "All Records" at the top of the left column

2) Look at the star in the top right of the middle column. Is it yellow? If it is, tap it to disable the favorites filter.

For Windows:

1) Click "All Items" at the top of the left column

2) Look at the star in the top right of the middle column. Is it yellow? If it is, tap it to disable the favorites filter.

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