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can´t sync macbook air version 5 with mac version 6 on desktop mac

 I have a macbook air running Mac OS Sierra that can not be updated (special software for technical analytics on it) to high sierra and running msecure version 5 on it.

On my desktop mac running Msecure V6 (what i do not want and there is no kind of downgrade). Now i can not sync both versions via wifi anymore and the Version 5 always shows that i should update but there is no version 6 in the appstore vor Mac OS Sierra.

can you tell me how to solve this problem. Should i buy for your software perhaps a second hardware device to take along to my macbook air to have access to customer data (and a secretary to copy sensible data manually from one to an other device) or should i continue like in the last week by syncing manually with my fingers on 5 different IT-devices for new data and customers ??????

1 Person hat dieses Problem

Hi Joerg,

Sorry for the long delay in my reply. We are in the process of trying to figure out a way to help customers in your situation. If you're still seeking help with this issue, can you provide us with the platforms you are running mSecure on, as well as the OS version numbers? We will be looking into the development necessary to support older OS versions. I know you have a Mac running Sierra, but is that the only device you have running an OS that isn't supported in mSecure 6?

I'm attempting to sync mSecure 3.5.7 on my computer with mSecure on my iPad which is new and has not been populated. What I'd like to do is upgrade to the latest version but need to know how to go about this where all  my data populates the new version on my computer and iPad. Please advise. 

@Jim I'm not sure at this point, but I believe the problem is that you are running mSecure 3 on your computer but you're running mSecure 6 on your iPad. If that's the case, you won't be able to sync until you upgrade to mSecure 6 on your PC. Do you know what version of mSecure you are running on your iPad?

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