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Default template get changed to bank account every time when I try to edit an Entry

I wanted to edit a Login Entry and tapped on the pencil icon. As soon as I did this, I receive a quick info that the template has been changed to Bank Account and I get a lot of other fields, that I don't want there.

When trying to change the template back to Login, the added fields stay there.

Hi Mike,

Thank you for contacting us about this, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I think you are running into an Android bug where the modified date is set for some time in the future. Are you using mSecure on an Android device by chance? If so, an you check the modified date on the record you are trying to edit and let me know what the date is? If you are running mSecure on a different device, please let me know what modified date you see for the same record on that device as well.

The modified date is in the past. 19.03.2022. When I try to edit it, the template gets changed to the default template. Did check a few records but the modified date is in the past every time.

Hi Mike,

I don't think you're dealing with the issue I thought at first, because if you were, we would see future modified dates for records. Real quick, can you explain in more detail what exactly happens when you tap on the template button to change it? You said it changes to a Bank Account template, but I'm not understanding what you mean. Do you not see a menu that shows you all of the different templates you can choose from?

Also, just to be sure, are you experiencing this on your Android device, or is it happening on a different type of device?

Steps that I did:

  1.  Open mSecure on Android Device (no difference between Android 10 and Android 12 device)
  2. Open an item from my list (created as Login in mSecure5)
  3. Tap on the pencil icon in the upper right to edit
  4. Message pops up that the template got changed to bank account
  5. Entry gets filled with all the fields from the bank account template
  6. When I tap then on the template field and change it back to login, new message pops up that template changed to login
  7. Fields from bank account template stay in the entry

Just to add:

If I change the template back to Login and save the entry, all the fields from bank account template are saved as well. Upon re-opening and editing the entry, I have to delete every unnecessary fields from the bank account template.

When I do this and then re-open the same entry, the template doesn't get changed anymore to the bank account template. So this is an issue because the entry was initially saved under mSecure5 and got messed up during the update to mSecure6.

Basically this tells me: I have to edit my complete database and re-create every entry under v6 because the update just messed up the complete database??? Really ???

Sorry to say that but the update from 5 to 6 destroyed basically everything.

I am very upset!

Did a few more tests in addition.

My wife doesn't have this kind of issue after migrating from mSecure5 to 6 on her Android 11 device. So, my account and database got screwed up during the upgrade. Thank you very much. :-(

I really liked mSecure and how good it was in v5. After the v6 debacle, I can't recommend it under the given issues and how it' currently handled.

In Addition, upon editing and saving an entry on my PC (once a login is possible) on the pc version the template and therefore the  fields don't get changed. If I save it on the PC version, the entry gets synced to my android device (as seen on the modified date).

On my Android device, when i then try to edit this entry, the template gets changed again to bank account. So this is an android app issue.

This might be due to a simple translation issue:

In my PC Account I have 2 Templates listed. One is called "Login" and the other one is called "Anmeldungen" (German translation for Login). If an entry has the "Anmeldungen" template assigned, it gets changed to bank account when trying to edit this entry on my android device. If I try to edit an entry assigned with the "Login" template, nothing gets changed anymore.

However, in Android, both template types, "Login" and "Anmeldungen" are both correctly listed under "Anmeldungen" from the menu.

On the PC version, "Login" and "Anmeldungen" are shown as separate types. "Anmeldungen" category/type has the common icon, "Login" is shown with a red question mark in a red circle.

So, the mismatch is caused by wrong translations, causing the Android and PC App to get confused of the template names and therefore changing the template type:

msecure6 on Android calls the Login template "Anmeldung".

msecure6 on Windows calls this template "Anmelden".

The will be saved in exact this name and one they get synced, android App gets confused and changes to bank account upon editing on any android device.

Maybe this also triggers the icons to not get loaded because of the template mismatch on the pc/android version..

Here are two screenshots of android and windows showing what I mean:

If I install mSecure fresh on an Android device which has their language set to German right from the beginning, the fields after tapping on the Plus Icon aren't translated, the are still in English.

If I set the system language to English, open up the msecure app everything is in English. After changeing it back to German, the template translation between "Anmelden" and "Anmeldung" still gets Android msecure confused, but the template gets changed to "Anmeldung" after tapping on edit entry.

Tested with my Android 10 device. Android 12 device still untouched and error is reproducible. Here a pic from my android 12 device.

Another thing to add here:

My Secure Notes arent synct or shown either on the android 12 device because of this issue. Shows Zero entry under Secure Notes Tab. They are shown under Windows Account and Android 10 device. (which got the translation right due to the switch from German -> English and back.)

So, after having a nice and helpful Conversation with the mSecure Support, it's definitley related to a Translation issue. So here's what we have done to fix it:

  • Switched phone language setting to English, opened the app, then back to German. That fixed the translations inside the app
  • Due to a translation mismatch between the template names between mSecure 5 and 6, they have to get reassigned correctly. I therefore opened up each entry, let the template assignment get done (it switches automatically) or did it myself and saved the entry.
  • Sync after all entries have been corrected
  • Reset/wipe every other App you are using on other devices, like a second Android/iOS or Windows App.
  • Re-Login and sync corrected entries.
All the icons are back and there is no more mismatch or changing of templates when tapping on the edit pencil icon.

@Mike Thank you for the update on this, and it's really good to hear things are working correctly now. We'll have the next version of Android published soon, and the translation for "Login" will be correct so that this won't happen for others.

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