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V6: 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. Again.

Windows 10 user with issues with msecure6. 

The v5 nav system was a step backwards from previous, but I was able to view the group of all my bank accounts through a two-step click on a nav item on the left.  It was clunky, but worked.  Now there's no way that I can see. 

Why is it always the case that a so-called "upgrade" does little in the way of improvement, and usually breaks things that were working just fine?  Can't you improve security without screwing around with the user interface???


Furthermore, it appears that the much vaunted "Tags" feature to replace "Groups" is only available with the premier subscription. Tags are fine instead of Groups, but to require a new subscription for a replacement feature is truly rapacious.

@Mike4 Please look at the response I just gave to you. The nav system is the same in V6.

@Rand The full Tags feature is a Premium feature, but you can place one tag on each record just like you could add a record to one group in V5. It's virtually the same feature for an Essentials account.

 "@Mike4 Please look at the response I just gave to you. The nav system is the same in V6."

I believe you are incorrect.  The QUICK FILTERS section has fewer choices in it than before. 
AND as I mentioned back when I was maneuvered into using v5, there should be more groups shown in the navbar, and there are even fewer now with v6.  Why does Credit Cards get a place on the navbar, and Bank Accounts doesn't? 

@Mike4 I'm not sure what you're referring to here, but the quick filters are the same as in V5. We didn't remove any of those, and we didn't any either. There have always been these filters at the top of the left column:

All Items



Credit Cards

Secure Notes

Then after those filters were the Types and Groups filters. Now in V6, there is the Security Center, Sharing Center, Tags and Vaults filters.

We made the decision to add Login, Credit Cards and Secure Notes to the Quick Filters, because that's what the majority of records are for our users, so those Quick Filters are there to help the majority use cases. The Bank Accounts filter is available after clicking the Templates option. In the future we have plans to make those user-definable.

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