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Sign out

I would like to change my account and couldn't find sign out button on PC (windows) and Android. How can I change my account?

Hi Kostiantyn,

Thank you for contacting us. I can help you with changing your account, but I'm not sure why you would ever need to do that. Can you provide some information on what's going wrong? If I can understand the situation, I should be able to offer you better help.

Hi Mike, My friend gave me his account to test if it's work with my backup (my versionbis 4.0.5) and to show how stable this version works with fingerprint sensor. So after test I bought mSecure without any doubt :) I understand, that preferably I should use full trial instead of another account

Hi Kostiantyn,

Thank you for the extra information and your purchase! I think I understand what you need now. There is no options for signing out of an mSecure account. However, you can simply delete the PC and/or Android app from your device(s), and download it again from the Microsoft Store or Google Play, then sign in to your new account.

Were you able to get all your devices signed in to your account?

I haven't done it yet, need some time to make backup etc ... Thank you, Mike!

No problem at all Kostiantyn! Let me know if you need further assistance with this and I'll be happy to help.

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