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Help: Forgot PW

 I was switching to a new iPhone by using restoring function of a backup version of old phone. All was well until trying to open msecure in the new phone.  It was asking for PW instead of using finger print ID. Old phone was completely wiped and restored to factory setting....

I reset my msecure account and all stored info/PWs were indeed destroyed, but at least i was able to put in a new PW. I further restored my phone with the backup, and new PW did not work. This tells me the msecure app restored from the backup still has all my info?  So if i remember my old PW then I would be able to gain access, but I just couldn't.

Hate to give up knowing my info is till there in the app. Just need the app to accept finger print ID. I have msecure QR code.  Anything i can do at this point to unlock msecure? Please help, thanks.


Hi Thomas,

When moving to a new phone, since the new device has to be set up with new biometric data through Face or Touch ID, the data stored in the secure area of the app starts fresh. This means that none of the authentication data that was active on the old device is moved over for the new device, so you will always have to sign in to the mSecure app by manually entering your password on the new device.

Also, I'm not sure because I haven't upgraded devices in awhile to test what your experiencing, but I don't believe your data is still intact in the mSecure app after you restore from a backup of your old phone. If you were using one of mSecure's cloud sync features, however, if you are able to sign in to the account, then the data you had stored in mSecure on the old phone should be synced in because it would be stored in the cloud service your chose to use.

With regards to remembering your password, backups are created automatically and stored in your iCloud account. So you should have backups of your data available as long as you have signed in to the same Apple ID on your phone.

I can help you try to find a backup of your data, but first you'll need to have access to mSecure. If I understand correctly, you're currently locked out of mSecure on all your devices, right?

 Hi Mike, thanks for replying.

I reset my mSecure 5 so now i have a functional PW and access to it.

No problem at all Thomas. If you want to check for a backup, you can do that in the Settings of mSecure. Open the app and tap the menu icon in the top left, then tap Settings. In Settings, tap Backups, and if you see any in there, tap the most recent one and enter your password to see if you can restore the data.

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