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Big Sur compatible??

I am not meaning to be redundant but I would like to know if my version (Version 5.7.2 (165) of mSecure will be compatible with the updated version of Big Sur which will be 11.1? So far in Catalina it works flawlessly and I love it! Last query is: Will there be a charge for updating to the mSecure 6 version when it is released? Thank you for any feedback.

1 Person hat diese Frage

Hi Bill,

Thank you for contacting us. mSecure is fully compatible with Big Sur, so you should have no problems after upgrading the OS on your Mac(s).

Regarding your other question, while the full details for the mSecure 6 pricing model have not been released, I can tell you that licensed mSecure 5 users will not have to pay an upgrade fee to continue using all of the features in mSecure 5. On top of that, there will be upgrades that come for free to mSecure 5 users, but there will also be some premium features that will require a purchase to use.

In short, licensed mSecure 5 users will get an upgrade at no cost, but not all features will be available without an extra purchase. We plan to send out email communication to our customers as we get closer to the mSecure 6 release, and it will outline in detail what to expect for the new version.

Hello Mike,

All good here then. Looking forward to the new update and what the new premium purchases may offer. Your app has been working beautifully for me so I have no complaints. Been onboard with this App for a while and it has made life so much easier. Thank you for the feedback.

Stay safe, stay strong. 

Be well.

Bill Paris

Thank you for your feedback Bill! You stay safe too, and have a great Holiday Season!!

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