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Can I use my husband Msecure account

He has a PC I use an Apple computer and an iphone.  I have an old Msecure 4 or earlier.

Hi Beth,

Thank you for contacting us. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you need to do here, but the short answer is that you can use your husband's mSecure account. There are many caveats to that answer, though, so I'll need to get more information as to what you are trying to do here, as well as what type of account your husband has.

Is your husband using mSecure 5, or is he still using an older version of mSecure? If it's mSecure 5, you can sign in to his account on all your devices, but do be aware that all of the data he has in the app and all of the data you enter will be fully shared by both of you. This means there is no way to share only portions of your data. It's an all or nothing sync at this time, though that will be changing in mSecure 6.

If you husband is running mSecure 3.5 on his PC, then that will mean you won't be able to use his license for your Mac. For the older version of mSecure, the licenses were based on the platform the app was running on, and the licenses are not interchangeable.

Let me know a bit more of what you are trying to do, and I'll help in any way I can.

my husband bought the new msecure app for his pc.  I only have the old 3 or 4 version on my iphone can we merge and use the data?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to merge data from mSecure 3/4 into mSecure 5. It's very easy to restore data, overwriting everything that currently exists in the account, but it's not possible to merge it. That feature is coming in mSecure 6, but it won't be available in mSecure 5.

Please let me know when 6 comes out so there is a I cam transfer my data from my MSecure account. I have to much data to start over. Thank you

Hi Beth,

No problem at all. Before mSecure 6 is released, we will be sending out an email to all our mSecure 5 customers alerting them that version 6 will be available soon. After v6 is released, your husband's mSecure apps will update, and then you can contact us for help with the data merge if needed.

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