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I received a backup file from mSecure in an 8/25 email  The file is .msib format.  How do I open this file?

My PC runs Windows 10.  I Googled how to open msib. No luck.

You can use this file to restore an mSecure database.

You will need to have mSecure installed then go into settings and use the backups=>Restore function.

Here is a link to the Backups section of the mSecure Knowledge Base:

Thank you, Andy, but that does not answer my specific question.  I am not asking how to restore a database.  mSecure emailed the .msib to me.  I asked how to open it.  If, as you wrote, I would need to go to the Backups section at the support link you sent, then why did mSecure email the .msib to me? What is it?

 Thanks, Andy, but you did not answer my specific question.  I did not and am not asking how to restore a database. I do not need to restore a database.  mSecure emailed a .msib document to me saying it is "my backup".  My question was and is how to open the .msib doc.  If, as you say, I would need to go to the link you provided IF I do need to restore a database, then why did mSecure send the .msib doc, and what is it?

The ios version of mSecure allows you to create a backup and send it in an email - could that be the reason?

 Yes, that could be why, BUT HOW DO I OPEN IT????  Someone should be able to answer this.  How in the world can a company sell a product and have no answer for how to use it?

Its backup - you don't open it - you use it to restore a corrupted mSecure database.

As I said in my first reply you do that from the Restore function in the mSecure application.

The link in my first reply describes how to backup and restore mSecure databases.

When you run a backup it creates a file with a .msib suffix.

If your mSecure database is OK then just hang on to the file in case you have problems.

 Thank you.

Hi Larry,

Thank you for contacting us, and thank you Andy for the help with this question! Just a quick point of clarification, which Andy already touched on, mSecure backup files cannot be opened with any app. The only thing they can be used for is to restore data from the file back into mSecure. The reason it works this way is to keep your information as secure as possible. If the backup file could be opened by another app, the data would have to be stored in plain text in order for you to be able to read the information.

I last communicated with you via email on 9/11/20 at 1:03 PM central time in response to Mike Reilley, mSecure Support Representative (View Ticket Online: 

I need help, again, to reinstall mSecure on my laptop.  It was removed when I had to reinstall Windows 10.  When I restored what was lost (restored from Carbonite), mSecure did not come back.

Since I already (still) have it on my iPhone and had it on my laptop (and it was properly synced), I want to make sure I reinstall it correctly.

See attached pdf.

Can you help?

Larry Young

Hi Larry,

It's good to hear from you again, and what you're needing to do here should be no problem at all.

Real quick, regarding Carbonite backups, I'm not exactly sure how that system works, but I am nearly certain it won't be able to restore data for mSecure the way you would hope. The strange thing here is, it sounds like mSecure wasn't even restored at all, which doesn't make sense, as mSecure can't keep itself from being restored. The OS and Carbonite fully control that part of the process. A customer I worked with recently restored from a Carbonite backup on his PC, and everything came back, but he was not able to use the app as he did prior to the restore, which does make sense. The reason for this is that authentication information changes for a device after restoring from a OS backup image, and that causes problems when mSecure tries to communicate with your account online. Since the authentication information doesn't match, the app won't work correctly. In your case, it doesn't sound like this is happening, but that's typically what should happen.

The good news is, as long as you are backing up your data in mSecure or have mSecure syncing enabled, all you will need to do is install/reinstall mSecure, sign in to your account, then all the data will sync in from the cloud. If mSecure is already installed on your PC, go ahead and delete the app then install it from the Microsoft Store. If it's not installed now, install it from the Store. You can use this link to get to the mSecure page in the Store:

After it's installed, you will have to go through the authentication process, and you can use the instructions here to do that: Account Authentication


I have saved every email I have ever received and cannot find the authentication email. So, I went to the link you provided to resend authentication email. It says I can resend it, but it does not tell me how to do that.

Help, please.

Mike, your chat system is driving me nuts.

In response to your last message to me:

I have saved every email I have ever received, bur I cannot find the authentication email. So, I went to the link you provided.  It tells me I can resent tn authentication email, but it does not tell me how to do it.  As you instructed, I went to the app store and got the app for m PC.  Its instructions give me three options, none of which I can execute.

Help. please.

Hi Larry,

I'm not sure what you mean by our chat system. Are you talking about the forum thread here on which you are posting your questions? We have this option here where you can post a response on this forum and we also have email support where we email back and forth with customers. What is happening that's causing the frustration?

Regarding your question, the way you resend the Authentication Email is by tapping the button in the Account Settings. For example, on your iOS device, you tap the menu icon in the top left of the main view, tap Settings and then tap Account Settings. In the Account Settings screen, tap "View Authentication QR Code", then you'll see the "Re-send Authentication Email" button at the bottom of the screen. When you tap that button, an email will be sent to the email you use for the username of your account.

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