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What is the actual price for this software I thought it was $29.99

Well I received an email to purchase the software at 33% off. 

When I tried to make the purchase it defaulted the price of $29.99

Is the email misleading?


Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  The full price of mSecure 5 is $29.99. We often offer discounts to purchase or upgrade to mSecure 5. If you received an email for a 33% off price, your mSecure 5 purchase price would be $19.99. The email should have a direct link to sign in to your mSecure account and receive the discount price. If you navigate to the homepage from the link(s) provided, you would like see the full price. Please use the link(s) in the email to get the discount offer. Also, the discount is offered as an automatically applied coupon. The coupon can be disabled or removed by a user. Perhaps you removed the coupon?

Note: prices are USD prices.

I find the price of mSecure a price which I no longer feel is warranted.  While mSecure does all that I need and want in a password manager, the cost to have the annual premium service is becoming too steep I feel to warrant.   I have started looking for a new password manager.   My annual limit for such a software would be in $20 usd range - with all features, not selected as mSecure has done.

I don't feel there is sufficient work in behind the software to warrant anything higher in price, at least for those of use who commit to an app for multiple years.

Thank you for contacting us, and thank you so much for your feedback. Are you looking for a way to cancel your subscription?

Not looking for a way to cancel just yet - just a simple comment that as a consumer, the price of the app has me questioning whether there is value here.  I'm all for supporting and paying for apps, but there is a limit to I'm willing to pay.   Just wishing to provide feedback hoping to see annual discounted subscriptions in the future. 

I understand Paul. Thank you again for your feedback.

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