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synching GDPR compliant?

is the synching viaDropbox or via mSecureCloud GDPR compliant? Where is your Server? And where is your Company? I can't find the adress or an impress.

Hi Katrin,

Thank you for contacting us. Syncing via any of our syncing features is GDPR compliant. Our company is based in Portland Oregon. Our servers (syncing via Dropbox would use Dropbox servers to store sync info) are located in the United States. We use Amazon Web Services for our servers and have servers both in the West Coast (Oregon) and East Coast (Virginia). Note that all mSecure information is encrypted and decrypted locally on your devices. All information when using mSecure Cloud, Dropbox, iCloud, or WiFi syncing is encrypted both at rest and in transit.

Thanks for your answer. So I feel saveer now. But why there is no adress or imprint on your homepage and in the appstore? This makes me feeling unsave and is suspicious

Hi Katrin,

I'm sorry you felt that way. We do not want you or anyone else to be suspicious here. We've updated our main website with our LLC address and added a US flag. 


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