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How do I download mSecure 5 for Windows

Hi everyone,
Where can I download mSecure 5 for Windows ?
Thank you in advance.

1 Person hat diese Frage

Hi Laurent,

Thank you for contacting us. 

You can download mSecure 5 here:


Alternatively, you can download mSecure 5 from each platforms app store. mSecure 5 for Windows requires Windows 10 and access to the Microsoft Store app in order to download it. mSecure 5's minimum system requirements are iOS 10.3+; Watch OS 4.3+; Android 4.3+; Mac 10.11+; Windows 10 (UWP).

Is there any other way to download MSecure for Windows? Unfortunately, in my company there are some security restrictions and any download from Microsoft Store are blocked.

I would just have installation file...

thank you in advance

@Alferio Thank you for contacting us. Please send me an email at [email protected], and I'll talk this over with you via email. After you send the email, let me know here in this thread and I'll respond as soon as I see it.

Thank you Mike. I send you an email Alferio

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