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Windows mSecure fingerprint login

 It has been several months since Windows Hello integration was mentioned; currently every other platform has fingerprint login.  What about providing just fingerprint login using this documentation?


Hi Mike,

We have already implemented Windows Hello authentication in the Windows 10 version of mSecure 5. Unfortunately, this function/feature will not be available until we release the next update. Fortunately, the next update should be available soon. We have updates planned for all platforms this month.

Any chance a beta version will be available to test!? Thanks,

Hi Mike,

No, we do not have plans to make this available for in a public beta. However, we are just about done working out all the kinks in this system, and the other changes we have planned out. We should have an update to the Windows version this week. Key word being should though.

Any news on when the Windows update will be available?  I also remember there was an issue getting regular Windows Store updates because I had previously been in the beta.  Thanks!

Mike Lax

Hi Mike,

Unfortunately, we were going to release the update last week. However, Microsoft rejected our last build. We resubmitted on Friday. Hopefully, they find no issues with it and we can release it early next wee. Otherwise, we'll have to communicate with Microsoft to figure out what issue they're having with our latest builds  before being able to release our latest updates.


:-) looks like you noticed our update last night.

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