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Android version is grabbing screenshots without me

I've just noticed this the last couple of weeks. When I log in to a website via mSecure browser, I later find screen shots from those websites on my phone. 

Obviously this concerns me. 

Hi G Nag,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  I'm not sure what you mean here. Where are these screenshots being saved? Can you provide me a few of these screenshots to look over? This sounds like you are seeing an Overlay permission or overlay permissions history instead, but perhaps I'm wrong here.

mSecure 5 comes with a feature we call a Login Assist. This login assist is enabled in the Browser settings of mSecure 5 and when enabled, mSecure 5 will overlay your login information when launching your default browser. Since it needs to overlay the information, it uses an overlay permission and Android logs that permission for you.

You can disable the Login Assist feature, disable the permission when Android notifies you, or you can disable the notification entirely.

To disable our Login Assist:

1. Open and unlock mSecure 5
2. Tap the menu
3. Tap Settings
4. Tap Browser
5. Tap Login Assist
6. Select any option other than the "Default browser, password and username on login-assist menu"

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