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Wrong Email in register

Hi! I downloaded the last version of msecure; I registered in the App and my phone changed the extension (.con instead .com) in the email. So, now, I deleted file in my mac and I registered with correct email, but, respect to that [email protected]; it would be dangeous?

3 Personen haben diese Frage

Hi J,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. There's no issues with having a random typo account. However, I can delete this typo account for you if you'd like me to.

Yes please!

The wrong account would be then:    [email protected]

Hi JJ,

That typo account has been removed from our system. 

When updating my msecure 3 to the latest msecure 5, I misspelt my email address. The correct address should be postmaster and I accidentally put poistmaster.  This means that I cannot receive my confirmation email which I apparently need to import data from my msecure 3.  Can this be altered otherwise I will never receive any emails from msecure.


Hi J,

I fixed the typo in your account. I would recommend setting up a catch-all to an existing email account for your domain. That way, you would get all emails even emails to email addresses in your domain with typos in them. There is no confirmation email though. We have a purchase receipt that we send out after you make your purchase from our website. We also have an authentication email we use for security. You need to be able to use the QR code found in mSecure 5 in your Account Settings, or in the authentication email in order to fully sign in and authenticate into your account on devices beyond the first device you use.

Please use this guide to learn how to resend your authentication email if needed:

Thank you very much for doing that.  I found it a nightmare trying to sort it out.
Everything is working fine now - you're a star!!


Hello, even i messed up my email id while signing up. My correct id is [email protected] instead I've signed up with [email protected]. Please help, I've just purchased the pro account with this account.
Hello, even I've made a mistake while signing up for the pro version. My correct email id is [email protected] instead I've signed up with [email protected]. Requesting assistance with the same. Help!

Hi Indranil,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing.  Please create a ticket on this website or email us a [email protected]. Since those are both accounts in our system, you'll have to show proof of ownership for the [email protected] account. Like a screenshot of the Account Settings in mSecure 5 showing that email address.

Please do not publish my email addresses.

Hi Marianne,

Where have I published your email address?

I am not sure but I may have published it on your site. Just checking to make sure it is not shown to others. Thanks.

Hi Marianne,

This is a public forum. Anything posted on this forum is public. Thankfully, replies or topics that contain links or email addresses are help for moderation before being posted. If you'd like to keep things private, please create a ticket here instead or email us at [email protected] with your information and request.

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