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Lost password - have encrypted backup

I have a new phone which has FACE ID and not touchID, which is how I accessed my mSecure older version, 4.something (not 5). When I changed phones I was asked for the log in password, which I have forgotten. I have the encrypted backup but when I downloaded the mSecure 5 application and tried to restore, it asks me to log in with old password (the one I don’t have). Please give me some guidance and good news as to how I can restore my data. Thank you

Hi Eric,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. Do you still have access to mSecure 4 on a device? Each mSecure backup file is encrypted with the login password (v4 or older) or mSecure account password (v5) in use at the time the backup was created. In order to restore from an mSecure backup file, you'll need to know the backup's password. If you still have access to mSecure 4 and can unlock the app, I can show you how to fix your forgotten password issues here.

I have restored an old phone with touchID but still it asks me for the password which I do not know. Is there no way to open the encrypted file which was emailed to me without the log in password? Which again I do not know......???????

Hi Eric,

Anytime you change or edit your Touch ID or Face ID settings, mSecure will ask you for your login or account passsword(v5). Restoring your iOS device would count as editing Touch ID. No, for security purposes, there is no way to bypass our encryption. I'm sorry I don't have better news here.

I think that my issue is similar to Eric's.  I can get into v4 with Touch ID, but not with a password.  I have installed v5 and cannot open the encrypted v4 backup.  Can I reset my v4 password from inside the app so that I can proceed with the data transfer to v5?

HI Ingrid,

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there is no way to reset your mSecure 4 login password. However, since you still have access to mSecure 4 on your device thanks to Touch ID, you can fix this issue by either syncing your mSecure 4 information to another device that has mSecure 3 or 4 or by simply setting up Dropbox syncing in mSecure 4, changing the default cloud sync password, reinstalling mSecure 4 on your device, and setting up Dropbox syncing again in mSecure 4 after you create a new login password. This all might sound complicated, but it should be relatively easy and quick.

Important Note: Please update to mSecure 4.5.4 before continuing

First, use this guide to learn how to set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure 4: https://support.msecure.com/en/support/solutions/articles/36000028452

After you set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure 4, make sure to change the cloud sync password. The cloud sync password is set up using your mSecure 4 login password. However, you can always change it to something else.

  1. Open and login to mSecure 4
  2. Tap the gear icon
  3. Tap Sync Setup
  4. Tap Dropbox
  5. Tap "Change your password"
  6. Please exit the settings and go back into the Dropbox settings and tap the Show Password option to confirm that the cloud sync password has changed. This is very important.
  7. Uninstall mSecure 4 (if you're using mSecure 5, you'll need to uninstall mSecure 5 first)
  8. Install mSecure 4. How to reinstall a previously purchased app: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201272

and follow these steps afterward:

  1. Find mSecure 4 on your home screen, and open it
  2. After tapping on the “Start” button at the bottom of the Welcome screens, go ahead and set your password
  3. Then set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure again to sync back all of your information. You’ll have to use the cloud sync password that you set up initially.

Afterwards, make sure to turn Touch ID on again if you’d like to continue using that feature. Lastly, set up Dropbox syncing in mSecure again to sync back all of your information. After all this, you'll have mSecure 4 in a state where you actually know it's password and can move forward from here. mSecure 5 also includes Touch ID/Face ID features. However, please make sure to always remember your account password. 

Thanks that worked!!  Much appreciated.

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